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Learn touch typing with the one and only Typing Viking:

  • Easy lessons take you through learning to
    type step by step
  • Language generator creates new sentences for every lesson
  • Set your own target Words Per Minute
  • Get constant encouragement and feedback on how
    you’re doing
  • Learn the 5 Habits of Great Typing
  • Two fun games give you a break from lessons
  • When you’re done, print out your own certificate

Choose Your Download

Get your 10 day, no obligation free trial of Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor. Build your profile, try the games, learn up to 1/3rd of the keyboard, and when you are ready, convert your trial smoothly to the full version by purchasing an unlock code.


  • Ten Thumbs will teach your fingers to fly

  • Tap your way to success with this excellent easy-to-use touch-typing program

    Computer Buyer
  • my dad got me a typing program when I was 8 because he felt it was important. I remember loving the viking animations that helped me learn my way around the keyboard! When we have kids ... they'll definitely learn to type from the friendly vikings I learned from too!

    Anastasia Satterfield customer
  • Daughter is successfully learning with Ten Thumbs. She especially likes how you progress only when you are ready.

    H. Smithson customer
  • Ten Thumbs tailors a typing course suitable for you

  • ...the best typing tutor I've ever used
  • Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor is a great little program

  • If you are a slower ‘hunt and peck’ typist, then ‘Ten Thumbs’ software could be your best new friend.




Learn to type with Dvorak and Qwerty keyboard layouts, UK, US, as well as French, German, Dutch, Italian and Spanish variants. Onscreen keyboard means you never look down at the keys!

Seven Languages

Seven Languages

Switch your interface between English, French, German, Dutch, Danish, Italian or Spanish. Learn the appropriate keyboard for your language. Ten Thumbs is a well travelled viking!

Targets and Options

Targets and Options

Adjust your words per minute target, decide on your spacing, choose to learn numbers and symbols as well as letters, Ten Thumbs comes with many user customizable options.

Text Generator

Text Generator

Type grammatically correct sentences randomly generated by our unique Real World Language Generator. No typing the same old block of text over and over, you'll get a fresh new sentence every time. Endless fun.

Teacher Features

Teacher Features

The Multiuser (Network) edition includes the ability to track your students progress, print reports, and run Ten Thumbs over a network. Import classes, set learning defaults for your students and more.



Take a break from lessons and get some extra practice in on our two fun games. Build the pyramids with Brick Factory or beat the menacing turtles in Safari Park. Learning to type doesn't have to be boring.

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